A little update

(can we just take a minute for Season 5 Ep 8 of GOT? ERRRMAAAAHHHHHGHHHHH)
So I know we haven't posted in a while so just thought we'd give a little life update and try and prove we aren't blanking anyone, promise! 
Life is crazy at the moment, I'm coming to the end of placement (and still not in the same place for more than a couple of days at a time) and Caitlin is at the back end of her first year of GCSE's! Hopefully normal service will resume when I am living at home full time over the summer and me and Caitlin have all the free time in the world!
I am also aware that the tweeting and instagramming has been all quiet on the western front too and this will get back to normal when I get some sleeeeeeeep zzzzz
Now for less moaning about woe betide us...
I am thinking about attending the FreeFrom and Allergy fair in London on the 3-5th July, has anyone been and could recommend whether to go or not? I feel like it would be a great opportunity to explore different brands and methods of dealing with being dairy free!
I hope everyone who reads this is having the most gorgeous day and we hope to be posting normally soon (6 weeks latest!)
Lots of Love
Hev and Cakes

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